The college has academically qualified and experienced principal with a team of dedicated faculty members to form and train the Prospective teachers for the 21st century teaching skills. A well equipped and furnished library is at the service of both the student-teachers and the faculty to update their intellectual potential. All the faculty members are adapting to innovative teaching-learning techniques such as video assisted lecture, role-play, symposium, seminar, workshop, debate, group discussion, interactive e-learning, demonstration, etc., to strengthen the Prospective teachers’ academic and teaching skills and training.
Prospective teachers are motivated to participate in the discussions on socio-economic and cultural issues of the nation to make them aware of the challenges of the society. All the international, national, regional and religious festivals are meaningfully celebrated with the active participation of the Prospective teachers and the faculty members which leads to imbibe the core values such as patriotism, secularism, brotherhood, social justice, etc. As a result, they become the agents of social transformation that leads to the national as well as global development .